Archive for month: April, 2017

Expert Articles Strategy and policy

IT policies – A cure for insomnia?

IT policies – A cure for insomnia?

Let’s face it – IT policies are not the most exciting topic. Because of that reality, there are two common (but similarly futile) approaches:

  • Approach 1 – don’t bother.
  • Approach 2 – Find a generic IT policy on the internet. Put a copy in the staff handbook. Hope the staff will read it.

Does this sound familiar? Don’t worry – you are far from alone if so. However, it’s still worth taking a moment to think about trying to be better than average. The good news is that it isn’t difficult or costly to make a big step forward. And it’s worth doing to help protect your business, your customers and your staff from the threat of cyber crime.

Expert Articles Strategy and policy

Do I really need a new IT system?

They say the customer is always right. But, was anyone really doing the Emperor any favours when they remarked how wonderful his new clothes were?

If a customer approaches me and says “We need a new system,” my first questions are often “Are you sure? Can we talk this through?” This may surprise you as it might appear to be suggesting the customer is not always right. Although it could be interpreted as being unhelpful, there is method to my madness.

How can I educate my team on cyber security?
Cyber security and resilience EasylifeIT TechTalks Learning Centre

How can I educate my team on cyber security?

How can I educate my team on cyber security?

“Why did I get infected? I have an antivirus” is quite a common question and a good one. Whoever named the most common method of infection “Trojan Horse” certainly knew their history; and for the few who haven’t heard the story or watched the movie; a seemingly impregnable and well defended city was broken by exploiting the trust, ignorance and superstition of otherwise sophisticated people.

Expert Articles Strategy and policy

Off the shelf or bespoke? Which type of software is right for me?

Off the shelf or bespoke? Which type of software is right for me?

You have a business problem.  You know IT could help you solve it.  But you don’t know where to begin.  Have you ever been in that position?

The starting point is often to think about whether someone has already invented a solution that you could purchase and configure for your needs.  These are often referred to as ‘off-the-shelf’ or ‘third-party’ solutions.

The more generic the challenge, the more likely somebody has invented a solution.

Online accounting packages are a good example.  Every business from the smallest to the biggest needs to understand its income and expenditure.  Type “Online accounting software” into any search engine and you will see that there is a lot of competition for your business.


Microsoft offers UK data centres for cloud data that is subject to compliancy and contract limitations

For some organisations, the geographical location of cloud data has proven an impediment to moving their own systems in that ...


A phenomenon becoming known as “cyber security fatigue” is developing

On a daily basis now, I am having conversations with worried managers and directors regarding cyber security. The constant bo...


IT and sausages: you want the tasty outcome, but it’s best not to watch it in the making

A management view of IT often follows the analogy about legislation and sausages: you want the tasty outcome, but it’s ...