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Maximising Business Efficiency: Essential SharePoint Tips for Technical Success

SharePoint, Microsoft’s powerful collaboration and document management platform, is a cornerstone for many businesses s...

How secure is my office Wi-Fi?
Cyber security and resilience EasylifeIT TechTalks Learning Centre

How Secure is My Office Wi-Fi?

A vulnerable route straight into the system. Earlier this year I sat in a restaurant (remember doing that?) awaiting the arr...

How can I educate my team on cyber security?
Cyber security and resilience EasylifeIT TechTalks Learning Centre

How can I educate my team on cyber security?

How can I educate my team on cyber security?

“Why did I get infected? I have an antivirus” is quite a common question and a good one. Whoever named the most common method of infection “Trojan Horse” certainly knew their history; and for the few who haven’t heard the story or watched the movie; a seemingly impregnable and well defended city was broken by exploiting the trust, ignorance and superstition of otherwise sophisticated people.

Cyber security and resilience Expert Articles Learning Centre

8 common cyber crimes that affect you!

We all know what bank robbers and burglars do.  Understanding their common tools and techniques helps us to design appropriate defence mechanisms.  Cyber crime is no different.  Recognising the different tricks of the trade empowers us to implement the cyber equivalent of locking the door or fitting an alarm.

How many of the following 8 common tactics employed by cyber criminals have you heard of?

Why are top managers often the targets of cyber criminals?
Cyber security and resilience EasylifeIT TechTalks Learning Centre

Why are top managers often the targets of cyber criminals?

Why are top managers often the targets of cyber criminals?

As top managers of SMEs, we expect and demand access to all data within our company. While we may consider restrictions upon our staff reasonable and sensible, these surely don’t apply to us? Of course, we need them; finance, operations, sales and marketing are the very pillars of our company, and we need access to every document and every record in every area.